Direct Mail Campaign
In 2013, WasteNot Compost’s co-founder realized small change can lead to big things. Saving the planet is no small task, but if everyone pitches in, together we can help change the world. Since its founding, WasteNot has been building a business on zero emissions, local green jobs, and an affordable, clean, and easy way to compost.
Bark worked with WasteNot on a proactive campaign to increase their member-base. The campaign included defining a strategy, creating the messaging, and designing the campaign.
If you’re not already composting, visit their site and get started today!
Direct Mail Campaign
Two different campaign messages and designs were developed to measure engagement and response. Both focused on the environmental benefits, as well as the ease of composting. The A/B testing will help provide metrics for future communications.

A Drop in the Bucket Can Save the World
The illustrative approach to this concept illuminates how composting food waste provides a direct benefit to our planet. The back of the card also provides narrative on how and why WasteNot was founded.

Earth Day Every Day
Making every day Earth Day is easy when you compost. The bright green catches your eye while the planet, making up the interior of the bucket, pushes the environmental benefits of composting and how simple it is to do your part.